Logo Doctoral Certificate Program in Agricultural Economics Deutsch

Structure and Course of Study

The doctoral certificate program is made up of modules and includes a total of 30 credit points (CP). One credit point corresponds to 30 hours of work for the students, of which ten hours are contact hours with the lecturer. Modules are offered in block format. A one-week block is worth 3 credit points, a two-week block 6 credit points.

Credit points must be collected in the following areas:

  1. Methodological-theoretical modules: 18 CP
  2. Soft skills: 6 CP
  3. Colloquia: 6 CP

The methodological-theoretical modules are organized into the following areas:

T: Theory
E: Empirics
F: Focus topics

At least 6 CP each must be collected from modules in the areas of "Theory" and "Empirics".

The selection of modules is made in individual consultation with the dissertation supervisor. Soft skills and colloquia may be selected out of the course offers of the cooperating institutions as well. There is no prescribed sequence of modules. The following overview presents a sample course of study.

Sample Course of Study

Semester 1 Module 1+2 Theory Module 3+4 Empirics Module 7+8 Soft skills
Semester 2 Module 5+6 Focus topics Colloquium 1
Semester 3 Colloquium 2 Dissertation
Semester 4 Colloquium 3
Semester 5
Semester 6